
Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Firm Foundation...To The Glory of God


Unknown said...

The Bible is an amazing book. Through the centuries people have centered their lives around the Bible. It is precious as well as unique. One of my favorite stories is the story of a little girl in France who was poor and was stone blind. She had obtained the gospel of Mark in Braille and learned to read it with the tips of her fingers. Because she had such a passionate love for the Scripture and read it constantly, her fingers became callous and by becoming callous diminished the capability she had to discern the letters. One day so much desiring to read the Scripture, she cut the skin from the ends of her fingers in an effort to increase their sensibility only to destroy the nerves. She felt that she must give up the beloved book and weeping, the story says, she pressed her lips to the pages of Mark and said, "Farewell, farewell." To her surprise her lips more delicate than her fingers discerned the form of the letters. And all that night she read with her lips the Word of God and overflowed with joy at this new opportunity.


Maureen said...

Hi Barb, nice to see you here. Your story is humbling; how little I appreciate the Bibles that I own, in different translations.

Have you heard the story of Mary Jones and her Bible? Mary Jones was from a poor family in Wales. She was born in 1784 to devout Calvinistic Methodists, and she was a Christian. Not many people had Bibles back then, and she wanted one so desperately that she walked 25 miles barefoot to a town called Bala to buy one, after having saved her money for six years. There is a book written about her that I read.

I am so thankful that God's word to us is available any time, in written form. It is a powerful Word, able to convict, comfort, and speak to our hearts through the working of the Spirit of Christ. How many other books would you read over and over for the whole of your life?