
Friday, January 1, 2021

For the New Year: A Confession, A Profession, and an Invitation


The Confession

It's that time of year again. No doubt there will be many who will be glad to see the end of 2020. I should caution though, that turning the calendar to a new year does not guarantee that the next will be any better. That goes for every year. It's a way to mark time, but most things will carry on as they have been. Don't get your hopes up. Fairy Godmother isn't waiting to say "Bibidebobideboo" and transform us into a different reality. As the saying goes, "time will tell."

Now, here is where I get personal. I chose the title for this post because I do have three things that I want to express. I hope you bear with me if this drones on overly much. I'll try to be succinct.

Firstly. I have, over the last nine months or so, become quite intrigued with the Covid-19 story. Or more precisely, “stories." If you have read my Facebook posts, or engaged me in conversation, you will by now understand my convictions regarding this issue. It is one that has forced most of us into certain camps, depending upon your perspective, which will be influenced by many factors, not the least of which is your news source. It cannot be ignored, as it colours and controls nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Not the virus itself, but the actions of those who hold the reins of power over the entire globe.

I admit, here and now, that these have been the most difficult nine months of my life. I know I am certainly not alone. And I realize that many, many others have had much more serious, and even deadly, situations to endure. The passion that I feel for my convictions springs out of my zeal for truth. For honesty. For freedom and justice. When I post something on Facebook, I am not whining (as some have alluded to) or simply stamping my foot in defiance and wanting my own way. I am sincerely burdened by what is happening in the world. My conviction, if I can stuff it into a nutshell, is this. There are some in power that have planned this pandemic. It is the greatest plot against humanity since the serpent slithered up to Eve and spewed his lies. Or should I say, it is all part and parcel of his plan. We are being assailed by propaganda that is meant to terrify us into compliance to restrictions that have no scientific basis, by those who plan to bring every facet of civilization to its knees, and then force us to accept their criminal remedies. 

Now, I don't intend to go into detail about how I have come to my conclusions. Suffice to say it has been a journey. An ongoing revelation of just how depraved and evil mankind is capable of being. I often say to myself, "if it were only a mere virus that we need to worry about." I won't try and build my case, but I will say, if you are believing mainstream media regarding the virus, and you think that the intentions of those in power are benevolent in nature, please do some more research. Don't write those of us off who disagree with the narrative as conspiracy theorists. The things we believe are not theories. They are facts. Mankind is heading in a terrible direction, and millions are blind to what is ahead. 

So. My “confession" is this. I have let my zeal for truth regarding the virus overtake and weaken my zeal for the truth of God. What He has revealed to us regarding Who He is, who we are, sin, grace, salvation, heaven, hell and Jesus Christ. I have put Jesus Christ into the back seat while I have forged ahead along the highway of Covid-19. I confess publicly what I have confessed to Him privately. I have become caught up in current events, the media, public opinion vs. science, anything and everything to do with Covid-19. To the extent that it has had a detrimental impact on my health. And I am pretty sure that this is not how a Christ loving, Bible believing, God trusting person should be reacting to this crisis. In fact, God tells us in His word to be anxious for nothing (Philippians 4:6), and that He is sovereignly in control of all events (Ephesians 1:11). 

Another regrettable aspect of my obsession is that I have wasted time. Lots of it. Going from video to video, article to article, oftentimes reading and listening to things I have already read and listened to numerous times. It can become a monster that you have to keep feeding, and, like any obsession, it can rob you of huge chunks of time and opportunities to accomplish things that have use and value. I am not saying that we should not research and learn the truth of what is taking place, now more than ever. But a line is crossed, and interest turns to addiction. At that point, we cease profiting, and start losing. I believe I crossed that line.

Time is so important. I often think of my own mortality, and I pray that God would, as scripture says, teach me to number my days (Psalm 90:12), so that I would have a heart of wisdom. Since I first became a Christian, the urgency of the gospel message has gripped me. We are only given so much time in this life. So much of what we do, create and accomplish has no value except for as it is useful in the here and now. But time is a gift, a resource that we can use wisely. Scripture has taught me that time is most wisely used when God's will is done. And a big part of His will is to have the gospel preached. I'm no preacher, but I do realize the immeasurable value of the truth of the gospel. I have that truth, that knowledge. And I need to be spreading it. That is what my priority should be. Making Jesus Christ known in whatever way God allows and enables me to do. To convince others of His beauty, not to convert them to my beliefs about Covid-19. End of my confession.

The Profession

Now for the profession. I use the word as defined in this way, by Merriam-Webster: “an act of openly declaring or publicly claiming a belief, faith, or opinion.” Again, if you have seen any of my Facebook posts, you may have gathered that I profess to be a Christian. I will state that in more detail here.

I am a Christian, a person who trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Meaning that I have acknowledged my need to be saved, realizing that I am a sinner who cannot save themselves. I believe in the God of the Bible. When I was forty years old, I realized that, although I was raised a Catholic and believed in God, I was not truly a Christian. I was still counting on being “good enough” to go to heaven. God in His mercy revealed to me that the only way of salvation, and of having a right relationship with Himself, was through Jesus Christ. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12). This was clearly a life changing time for me. My world was turned upside down, or rather, downside up. Things I once loved I hated, and things I used to scorn or ignore became precious.

This new life brought new priorities, and a different world view. I live in light of eternity, realizing that this life is a mere breath. We all have eternity to face. God holds us all to the same standard. Belief in God, or sincerity in any faith is not good enough. God demands holy perfection. Jesus Christ lived that perfect life and suffered and died in our place. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you are perfect. It means you trust in what Jesus has done, and not what good you have done. You can never do enough.

The Invitation

And now the invitation. Please. If you want to discuss either COVID-19 or Christianity, get in touch with me. You can message me on Facebook or email me at I am sincere when I say to whoever is reading this that I love you, and I am more than happy to discuss either of these things with you. I don’t invite debate, but only honest questions from those who are unsure of their stand on these topics. I am neither scientist nor theologian, but I have come to firm conclusions, and am burdened that others would know the truth, and be set free.

A friend posted this on Facebook yesterday:” What should concern us more as Christians….people dying a bit sooner, or people dying without Christ?” It echoes my thoughts of late. I know what concerns me is the latter.  As well, I recently heard a sermon where I was challenged to decide which was more important: my reputation, or my love for Christ. I have been thinking about doing this post for a while now. I want this year to be different. For myself to be more obedient to God. And for others to know truth. Whether about COVID-19, or, most importantly, about Jesus Christ.

Happy New Year to you. May God reveal Himself in a marvelous way in all our lives. To Him be the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Another Year

Another year You give us,

The old we leave behind.

It had its joys and sorrows;

So many come to mind


Each day’s a gift; we’re told this,

Each morning mercies brings.

We take so much for granted,

Our minds on other things.


But Lord please make this New Year

A year that changes hearts.

A year that draws us closer.

A year that makes new starts.


So often we are guided

By voices insincere.

Their constant repetitions

Seem always in our ear.


But if we want true wisdom

You’ve given us the key.

Your Word is what is needed;

It’s truth that sets us free.


Not as the world would give us

This truth you offer there.

And peace, till now elusive

Is what you gladly share.


When at our rope’s end, fainting

We humbly, stumbling come,

You lift the burden gently;

At last, we find our home.


“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and

carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

(Matthew 11:28)